The Northern pike is famous for the name of aggressive predator and is considered as the best challenging game fish to catch. To know more about this fish, you can check our blog The Aggressive Predator - Northern Pike.
The experience of catching northern pike is full of adventure even in winters as they fight with the line, and you need some extra skills to catch this lithe predator. Unlike other fishes, the northern pike is more active during the colder season, so the anglers love to catch this trophy game fish all the year round. This blog is all about the basic guide you need to catch this deadly predator fish in winter.
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If you are wondering what time is the best and where you can find pike, so for your ease there is a tip you have to remember while looking for pike in winters, winters considered as golden time for pike fishing and in colder water pike mostly gathered in the slow moving or shallow water. Pike fishing is all about understanding the relation between water temperature and northern pike activities. The best of all time for fishing pike in winters is early in the morning or after the midday.
One of the best and most popular method to catch undoubtedly the best trophy fish of winters is, tip-up method. The method is about basically using a live bite connected to the line of the reel, which tips off the flag when you pulled the fishing line out.
Pc: Pexels
Some of the anglers also tried their lucks with jigging, but I suggest you to do some energetic jigging to seduce the mighty predator.
Enjoy your trip to catch the mighty predator and share your tactics for winter northern pike fishing with us.